Sunday, May 31, 2009


Consistency is not a virtue I possess, apparently.
I suppose, though, that if you can still put up with me, it's alright.

On a different note:

Dear Lexi,

I don't really know how to tell you this, but you're a leprechaun, I'm joining the Convent, and the mafia wants you. I think I realized it [all] when I threw up in your sock drawer in your closet and I saw you sit on my kneecaps and your My Little Pony collection [at the same time]. I'm sure you're cowardly enough to understand how awful you are. I'm returning your toe-ring to you, but I'll keep your collection of butterflies as a memory. You should also know that I get sick when I think of your feet and the apartment building is on fire.

Greetings to Sir Reginald,

A majority of the content in that letter was pulled from an outline-survey-like thing.
I kind of dig it, though.
(Sorry it's a little scathing, Lexi, m'dear.)

Can I ask you a favor?
Tell me something monumentally important to you that other people may see as inconsequential. That, or write me a brief letter explaining about something that reminds you of something else.
(It's not vague, it's open-ended. :D)
In turn, I'll promise to write sometimes.


(PS, I know this is a sorry excuse for a blog post. It's May 31st, is all, and I wanted to get something down for May.)

(PPS, did you ever figure out the second anagram?)