Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Movement You Need Is On Your Shoulders...

And, no, I don't think he's talking about parrots. Did you know that Paul's mother was named Mary? It kind of makes you think more about the lyrics in Let it Be. Who would've thought that only two months after school started, life would change dramatically? In sixth grade, I never realized that the eighth graders were quite so young. But, they always seem to have drama, don't they? This year has been no exception. I'm just ready to be fourteen. I know that I can't slow down my aging, and so why not live in the moment? I sound a little incredulous, what with all of these rhetorical questions. :D I cannot believe quite how much I have changed as an individual since sixth grade. I don't even remember half of the things I found unbearably funny back then, and I know for a fact that so many of my mannerisms are different. How short were we? It seems like each year, the little guys get shorter and shorter.

How come my hands seem more elegant when they're cold?
Why does romance work the way it does?
Will you go on a midnight adventure with me?
Why do our freckles have to be perfectly alligned? That was not fair, universe.
What do you mean, things will work out?
What if we've already messed things up beyond repair?
Who is that poem really about?
Is it bad that I'm confused by myself?
Why do I remember the things that I do?